
Buy Wagner Power Products 513041 Paint Eater Replacement Disc On Sale

you looking for low price Wagner Power Products 513041 Paint Eater Replacement Disc?

before decision to buy, I searches on online so long time. So I gathered a shop that sells Wagner Power Products 513041 Paint Eater Replacement Disc and compare prices to. Some shops offers me fast shipping.

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Wagner Power Products 513041 Paint Eater Replacement Disc Features

  • 4-1/2-inch replacement disc for the Wagner Paint Eater
  • Strips, feathers and abrades paint for smoother paint jobs
  • Great for wood, wood trim, concrete block, steel or masonite
  • Flexible for getting into tight quarters and curves
  • 4-1/2-inch disc

Wagner Power Products 513041 Paint Eater Replacement Disc Overview

Your Wagner Paint Eater has helped you through numerous paint-prep projects large and small and now it's time to replace that disc. Here's what you need. Just detach that old disc with the tool-free arbor and pop on this fresh, new one for faster stripping, feathering and abrading. --Brian D. Olson

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