
Best Cheap Wagner 0515030 ProCoat 2800 PSI Airless Paint Sprayer with Swivel Handle On Sale

Wagner 0515030 ProCoat 2800 PSI Airless Paint Sprayer with Swivel Handle Features

  • Sprays a gallon of paint in 5 minutes. Sprays thick latex, oil-based paints, stains and sealers. Draws paint directly from the paint can
  • Draws paint directly from a one gallon or five gallon paint can. Includes 35' high pressure airless spray hose. Use up to 100' of spray hose on this sprayer. Includes Handle for easy transport around your paint project
  • Rugged Sprayer with commercial grade metal spray gun. 35' airless spray hose and reversible airless spray tip size 515 included
  • Supports up to a .015 airless spray tip and includes a gun swivel
  • Inlet Valve pusher for quick prime. Adjustable pressure control for low overspray and variety of materials. Reversible spray tip allows you to quickly clear out any paint clogs by reversing the spray tip

Wagner 0515030 ProCoat 2800 PSI Airless Paint Sprayer with Swivel Handle Overview

The Wagner ProCoat is a 2800 psi electric piston pump paint sprayer capable of spraying todays thick latex paints without thinning. It produces the same great finish found with professional sprayers with features designed for the home-owner. Draw paint, stain, or sealers directly from the can. The adjustable pressure controls overspray while the spray gun swivel increases comfort. Great for whole house painting yet simple enough for sheds, fences, and decks. It sets up in less than 5 mutes by simply snapping the inlet hose in place and attaching the pressure hose and gun to the outlet. A garden hose connects to the inlet for a quick flush cleaning th entire system in less than 10 minutes. [else][endif] [if

  • Sprays a gallon of paint in 5 minutes. Sprays thick latex, oil-based paints, stains and sealers. Draws paint directly from the paint can
  • Draws paint directly from a one gallon or five gallon paint can. Includes 35' high pressure airless spray hose. Use up to 100' of spray hose on this sprayer. Includes Handle for easy transport around your paint project
  • Rugged Sprayer with commercial grade metal spray gun. 35' airless spray hose and reversible airless spray tip size 515 included
  • Supports up to a .015 airless spray tip and includes a gun swivel
  • Inlet Valve pusher for quick prime. Adjustable pressure control for low overspray and variety of materials. Reversible spray tip allows you to quickly clear out any paint clogs by reversing the spray tip

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