
you looking for low price Homeright Electric Power Paint Roller #C800015?

Best Buy Homeright Electric Power Paint Roller #C800015 Shop

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Homeright Electric Power Paint Roller #C800015 Features

  • Time-saving electric pump paint roller system
  • Paint twice as fast as conventional rollers
  • 20-foot hose for maximum mobility
  • Pumps directly from can for easy clean-up
  • 16-inch extension handle for maximum reach

Homeright Electric Power Paint Roller #C800015 Overview

The HomeRight electric power paint roller system features a pump-assisted paint feed for time saving, continuous painting. The system has working pressure of 20-43 PSI to ensure a constant flow of paint, and a push button painting control for added user convenience.

Included are a 20-foot hose and a 16-inch handle extension for maximum reach, and a detachable hose for easy cleaning. The system can be used with latex or oil-based paints for added versatility, and will pump paint from a variety of 1- to 5-gallon containers. Optional sprayer attachment accessories can turn the system into a sprayer for spraying thin fluid materials.

Homeright Electric Power Paint Roller Includes:

* Handle * 5-gallon suction tube * How-to paint video [else][endif] [if
  • Time-saving electric pump paint roller system
  • Paint twice as fast as conventional rollers
  • 20-foot hose for maximum mobility
  • Pumps directly from can for easy clean-up
  • 16-inch extension handle for maximum reach

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