
Discount Wagner 0525000 Power Painter with Optimus Online Store

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Wagner 0525000 Power Painter with Optimus Features

  • 6-ft remote suction tube to draw from paint can
  • Sprays from convenient 1 quart cup for fast set up and clean up.
  • Optimus Dual Tip Technology provides even coverage, less overspray and more control
  • Oil Lubricant protects the sprayer for the next use.
  • 5.4 GPH(gallons per hour)

Wagner 0525000 Power Painter with Optimus Overview

Features Optimus technology with dual-tip design that sprays un-thinned latex paint, stains and sealers up to medium-size projects such as fences, sheds and garages. New Optimus dual-tip technology for even paint coverage, less overspray and better control. Comes with optimus dual-tip, 1-quart material cup for smaller jobs, spare atomizer valve and cleaning brush. 5.4 GPH. Tungsten carbide piston and cylinder for long life. Ideal project sprayer for most types of small jobs.

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