
you looking for low priced Critter Spray Products 22032 118SG Siphon Gun?

Discount Critter Spray Products 22032 118SG Siphon Gun Online Shop

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Critter Spray Products 22032 118SG Siphon Gun Overview

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  • Compressor-mounted spray gun kit; produces 3 cfm at 90 psi
  • Attaches to Mason jars filled with paints, stains, lacquers, and more
  • Comes with glass Mason jar, metal spray gun, and stainless steel tube
  • Includes siphon gun, tube, 16-ounce Mason jar, jar gasket, and instructions; compressor not included (3/4-horsepower minimum)
  • Fits standard 16-ounce Mason jar--easily adaptable to fit other jars

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