
Discount Factory-Reconditioned Graco HV1900 32 CFM HVLP Paint Spray Station For Sale

you looking for super-cheap Factory-Reconditioned Graco HV1900 32 CFM HVLP Paint Spray Station?

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Factory-Reconditioned Graco HV1900 32 CFM HVLP Paint Spray Station Specification

  • Maximum control ensures precise application
  • Shoulder strap included for extra portability
  • Minimal overspray for less material wasted
  • Ideal for small to medium projects where precision and control are required
  • Spray a 6-ft x 6-ft area in 6 minutes

Factory-Reconditioned Graco HV1900 32 CFM HVLP Paint Spray Station Overview

This is a factory reconditioned product. Reconditioned generally means that the product has been returned to the manufacturer, who brings the product back to like new condition. Some products may contain cosmetic blemishes. Includes 32 CFM HVLP Paint Spray Station - HV1900USG, Standard Lightweight Spray Gun, 6 Quart Paint Container, 6-ft Hose, Filter, 2mm Brass Stain/Latex Tip, Shoulder Strap, How To DVD

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