
Save On Campbell Hausfeld DH4200 General Purpose Spray Gun Sale

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Campbell Hausfeld DH4200 General Purpose Spray Gun Specification

  • Changes from siphon to pressure feed for use with a variety of materials
  • Convertible from non bleeder to bleeder style for use with standard or tankless air compressors
  • Works with paint tanks and remote canisters

Campbell Hausfeld DH4200 General Purpose Spray Gun Overview

Sprays latex, enamel, lacquer or stain for home painting jobs. Convertible for bleeder and nonbleeder applications. Pressure or siphon feed. Converts from internal to external mix. Requires 3.0 SCFM at 40 P.S.I. 1 quart canister. Minimum horsepower required to operate for intermittent use: 1 HP.

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