
you looking for low price Wagner Power Products 515902 Paint Crew Roller Arm Accessory?

Discount Wagner Power Products 515902 Paint Crew Roller Arm Accessory Online

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Wagner Power Products 515902 Paint Crew Roller Arm Accessory Specification

  • Paint roller attachment for Wagner power sprayers
  • Push-button supply for fast, even coverage of large, interior surfaces
  • Paint is distributed from the paint can through a hose to the roller cover
  • Weighs less than 1-1/2 pounds

Wagner Power Products 515902 Paint Crew Roller Arm Accessory Overview

Roller arm attachment for Paint Crew and Piston Pump Sprayers. Simply attach to the end of the spray gun and begin rolling. For use with Wagner specially designed roller covers #0155206 and #0155208 Roller Cover, #0511110 Sponge Roller Covers, #0511112 Silky\Smooth Roller Cover. [else][endif] [if
  • Paint roller attachment for Wagner power sprayers
  • Push-button supply for fast, even coverage of large, interior surfaces
  • Paint is distributed from the paint can through a hose to the roller cover
  • Weighs less than 1-1/2 pounds

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