
Buy Wagner Power Products 272910 -Foot Power Suction Set Online Shop

Wagner Power Products 272910 -Foot Power Suction Set Specification

  • Paint supply line and suction set for all Wagner power painters and stainers
  • Designed for Wagner's 168 Power Stainer and 220, 305 and 315 Power Painters
  • 5-foot, dual-tube design sucks paint and stain directly from can
  • Includes dual can connector, adapters for all Wagner power stainers and painters

Wagner Power Products 272910 -Foot Power Suction Set Overview

Replace that Wagner power painter or stainer suction set all at once for continued smooth paint applications. This Wagner-made set includes 5 feet of dual tubing and all the necessary attachments for drawing material straight from the paint can and into the power painter. This set works with Wagner's 168 Power Stainer and 220, 305 and 315 Power Painter. The included adapters fit all styles of Wagner's Power Stainers and Power Painters. --Brian D. Olson

What's in the Box
5-foot dual tube, dual connector, adapters for all Wagner power stainers and painters.


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